Remembering How To Love Naturally

Remembering How To Love Naturally

How do we remember how to love naturally?

Is it a learning thing?  Is it a thinking thing?  Is it an intention thing?

Or is it something else?

Is loving naturally a duh for you?  Maybe yes, maybe no.

I have found that most of us have, at one time or another, become masters at not loving.  Children are masters of love until something happens to shut down their hearts.  How does this manifest?  We unconsciously push people away and then blame them for leaving.  We justify our separation from others instead of being heart present with them.   We forget that the more loving we are, the more love our world reflects back to us.

We forget who we were created to be.  We used to know we are love.  We are still love.  What got in the way of our naturally being love?  And how can we get back to being the love we are?

There are many, many, many times when I don’t know how to find my way back to love.  I recently found a way back that works well for me and might work for you.

I didn’t know how to resolve a dispute.  The other person meant well.  I couldn’t see that.  All I could see was how upset I was by what had happened that triggered the dispute.  The details don’t matter in the telling of the story.  The resolution matters.

Integrity is key to me.  If my website is called, I’d better be living up to its name.  I was so upset by this dispute I couldn’t find my way back to love.  The energetic mismatch between the name of this website and the way I was feeling caused me to take action.

I knew that my mind wasn’t going to solve this dispute.  Minds have this exceptional ability to come up with all sorts of reasons not to love.  I needed to find a way to activate my heart.    The pain associated with this dispute was so intense my heart had closed.  I have found that living with a closed heart isn’t truly living.  After coming so close to dying, I know that not truly living is a waste of my time.  How could I open my heart once more?

I asked myself, “What am I ready to remember about love?”  I sat with that question.  My brain didn’t know the answer, and I was fine with my brain not knowing the answer.  I trusted there was another part of me that would lead me to what I needed.

I went to my computer, called up my favorite search engine, and typed in a phrase I used to understand, long before the stroke.  The wording of the phrase doesn’t matter.  In that moment, I didn’t need to know what the phrase meant.  Remembering the phrase was all that was needed.  I was presented with many choices.  I clicked on the choice that my heart told me to click, and I started reading.

I didn’t read as much with my eyes as I did with my heart.  It wasn’t a brain thing.  It was a heart thing.  I read the content over and over until I felt my heart shift.  My heart wasn’t open.  It hadn’t remembered enough to go there.  My heart was newly open to being open.

At that very moment, the other person contacted me to ask if we could talk.  My heart being newly open to being open, the two of us engaged in a heart-centered conversation and we worked it all out.

Of course the other person immediately felt the shift in my energy.  Those of us who make it a point to be in touch with our feelings understand we are always in connection with each other.   I am certain the other person wouldn’t have reached out to me in that moment if I hadn’t opened my heart to being open.

The article I read was quite useful for me.  It may or may not be useful for you.  We are all at different levels of awareness, all the time.  What works for me may not work for you, and vice versa.  I don’t want to disrespect you by guaranteeing results.  I want to inspire you to ask your personal guidance to help.


If you want a place to begin, the writings of Thich Nhat Hanh are readily available.  I find his work to be so helpful I carry one of his miniature books in my purse to remind me that love is available to me at every moment.

Have fun remembering how to love naturally!

Copyright 2018 by Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer.  All rights for any further use reserved.  For permission to repost or reuse the above only in its entirety, fill out this form:  The information presented at and during coaching sessions is of a general nature and is not intended to be use as legal, medical or professional advice.  None of the information on this website is intended as a substitute for the counsel of a qualified doctor/physician, nurse, pharmacist, or other trusted health professional.  Always contact your own health care provider to assist you with your medical or health issues.  The information presented here is entertainment, information that is only meant to support you while you are being cared for by your own health care provider during your life’s journey.  It is not intended to be used as stand alone legal, medical or professional advice.  We cannot and will not take any responsibility for the results or consequences of any attempt to use or adopt any of the information presented on this web site as legal, medical, or professional advice. Always consult your physician or trusted health professional to design a treatment plan for your own or for another’s wellness.  All the information on this website is intended solely as loving support intended to accompany traditional medical care, not as stand-alone advice.  We appreciate your donations; please send a message via the contact form for donation instructions.If you like what you’re reading here, please forward this website to a friend: 

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