Make Someone’s Day On National Compliment Day

Random Acts of Appreciation

Random Acts of Appreciation

Today, 24 January, is National Compliment Day. Go say something nice to someone. Say it because you feel like saying it in this moment. Say it because you are grateful for someone else’s presence in your life. Say it because it’s something you know you should have done a long time ago and were too shy/too distracted/too scared/too busy/too caught up in you to powerfully be there for another.

What is a compliment? I think a compliment is something said to you in appreciation for the person you are. Compliments can be tricky things. I remember, back in my dating days, when guys would tell me I was pretty. I know there are many women who like hearing they are pretty. If someone thinks I am pretty, I think the thanks should go to genetics and makeup. If you want to give me a compliment, tell me I have a gorgeous heart. Tell me I’ve done something, written something, or said something that has made a positive difference in your life. Those are the compliments that make me the happiest. Those are the compliments that reflect back to me the difference I hope I am making in the world.

Or, if you’re one of those people who is always there for others and is rarely there for yourself, you might consider doing the opposite. Go say something nice to yourself. Yes, you. Think about it. When was the last time you high fived yourself? If you’re like most of us, you’ve become really, really good at looking at what you might have done better instead of celebrating yourself for something you’ve done better than ever before. It’s not about being narcissistic, it’s about loving and appreciating yourself. Why not flip the script? Look for the good things you’ve done, you’ve become, you’ve shared, and compliment yourself for how you’ve grown.

I’d begun writing this post a few hours ago when I realized I first needed to acknowledge and compliment someone I’d met last week, someone who’d given me two nurturing hugs during my birthday weekend. I sent the email and returned with my shovel to clear out a little more Jonas snow. Jonas was most generous with his offerings. Many of us on the east coast of the USA are feeling overwhelmed by his greetings of the season. Two of my neighbors volunteered to help me shovel, this coming after shoveling for themselves and some of the other neighbors. I told them I’d thank them by celebrating their beautiful hearts and their kind spirits in my latest blog. I am most grateful to them and to my other neighbors who shoveled for me several times during the storm and in the immediate aftermath. I feel greatly blessed in this moment.

Who will you celebrate for National Compliment Day?

Copyright Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer 2016 All rights reserved.

Love of Life Catalyst and Host of Catalytic Radio

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